Friday, June 28, 2024

Home Security Cameras: An Ultimate Guide


Security cameras are among the most important components of a home security system. Because there will not always be someone at home, and you cannot be in two places at once. You may use security cameras to monitor your home from anywhere. However, there are other factors to consider when installing security cameras in your home. Among them, the first thing to do is choose the best Handyman Services Downers Grove. In this read, let us try to understand more about home security cameras.

Places To Install Security Camera

Ground Floor Doors and Windows: In most cases, a burglar wants to enter your home the same way you do.  That may be through the door of the ground floor. Well, a burglar enters the home through the window, too.  This is why it is essential to have cameras on all of the windows and doors at the ground level, both in and out of your home.

Main stairs or hallway: Install a camera in any place where robbers would have to walk to access the majority of your property. This is most likely a first-floor hallway or the main staircase to the upstairs.

Common spaces: You may also wish to secure areas that you use on a regular basis, such as your living room or kitchen. This allows you to keep an eye on your home's most heavily trafficked areas.

Driveway: It is recommended that you install an exterior camera that can watch the entire length of your driveway. Burglars frequently have to cross the driveway to reach the front door. Look for Professional Handyman services in Downers Grove to get more ideas on where to install the security camera.

Using and Placing Security Cameras

Place Cameras High: It is very important to place the cameras 8 to 10 above the ground level. This allows you to cover more area in the room. Also, it makes it hard to disable or steal.

Test Camera before Mounting: Before mounting the camera, make sure to connect it to your mobile app. Also, make sure to make a few motion tests to ensure it works well with no lag.

Look for Indirect Sunlight: Make sure not to point the camera towards the sunlight. To avoid glare, point them away from sunlight. You can use your mobile phone to check the amount of glare it will get.

Clean Outdoor Cameras: Your outdoor camera is more prone to dirt and dust. Hence, clean the lens with a wipe or spray to ensure that your footage remains crystal clear.

Wrapping it up

When you decide to install a security camera, make sure to choose trusted Handyman Services Lisle. They have the knowledge and experience to recommend and install the camera in the right place, giving you peace of mind.

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